
Who are we?

In SagaMovie we are a group of girls passionate about movies and reading, who think that while reading shows us imaginary worlds, cinema teaches us life as it is. That is why we stay out of the discussion: "What is better if the book or the film?", Because we know that each one has its wealth ... and we ♥ them for it!!

In addition, we are obsessive about the evolution of our favorite characters. We can not stop thinking about them and enjoying seeing them grow, mature, change, just live. That's why we enjoy watching the continuation of a movie or "saga".

Basically, we are dedicated to what we love the saga movies ... and you are welcome to join this passion!!...

The Team


María Thompson

Front-End Developer


Cami CornejoS

Front-End Developer

Vale Galleani

Vale Galleani

UX Design


Ró Arriaza

UX Design

Macarena Araos

Maca Araos

UX Design